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Apple Remote Desktop access to Windows PC

Here are some instructions on how to use Apple Remote Desktop Client to connect from a MAC outside the DUMC firewall to your BIAC Windows computer inside the PHI zone.

1) Install the Apple Remote Desktop Client : Microsoft Remote Desktop for OS X

2) If you have access to the Duke VPN, open Cisco AnyConnect and login to the VPN ( vpn.duhs.duke.edu )

3) Once the VPN is connected ( or tunnel has been created), then open the RDC client.

  • Login : your windows username
  • Host (with VPN): yourcomputer.dhe.duke.edu

Once you are finished with the RDC, close the client and “Ctrl + C” will kill your ssh tunnel.

biac/apple-rdc.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by