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Experimental Control System

Goggles Set-up

The goggles should be turned on when they are being readied for each subject, and they should be turned off when the subject leaves the scanner. If they were already powered on when a new subject arrives they should be turned off and then back on again. This is because they have a protection time-out feature that may shut them off automatically after 2 hours, and you don't want that to happen in the middle of a scan.


To turn on the goggles, press the Power button on the control box. Looking inside the goggles, press the Menu button on the control box repeatedly until you see the desired video display. If you don't get the display you want check to make sure that the computer or DVD display you want is on and connected to the goggles by the Video Switch.

If you don't see the display properly, try Troubleshooting.

The video goggles are designed to operate in 800×600 pixel display mode. It is recommended that you set your computer video display to that resolution before you run your stimulus presentation software. (The DVD player should already be set to 800×600 mode.) If you must run at a higher display resolution the goggles will still work, but the overall size of the display within the goggles may be smaller. The older version of goggles would work in 640×480 display mode, but the newer goggles will not display properly at that resolution. (If you need to resize images to display properly at 800×600 mode you may find the SCALEPICS command in CIGAL helpful.)

biac/experimentalcontrol/goggles/setup.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by