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Real-time QA on scanner

Real-time QA for time-series image data is available on the scanner console via fscan on images that are automatically reconstructed on the scanner itself (essentially, any data that comes off the scanner as DICOM). <More info>

Near real-time QA on kelvin

For all the above data, plus any data that is automatically reconstructed by the BIAC pipeline (i.e. SENSE spiral scans, etc.), there is a dedicated QA process on kelvin, the Linux computer next to the scanner. This QA process waits for data as it is automatically transferred from the scanner, and then performs a quick center-of-mass calculation on three selected slices for every time point. For SENSE scans, it also needs to reconstruct the image data (again, for just three slices, for speed). This data, as well as the images of the full first volume, can be seen by asking the scanner tech to double-click the “BIAC Realtime QA Plotter” icon on kelvin's desktop.

biac/realtimeqa.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by