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CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 2 (Commands): PUTVEC

PUTVEC -- Add a vector to the vector table (VECS)

usage: putvec x y z key color width nosaveflg ; position as X,Y,Z or: putvec vec key color width nosaveflg ; position as vector or: putvec - key color width nosaveflg ; position via cursor

        PUTVEC adds a graphics vector to the system vector table (see [VECS][4]).
The vector coordinates can be specified as 3 XYZ values, as a vector, or
by moving the cursor (for 2-D cursor specification the Z value is taken
from the internal variable ZVALUE).  KEY, COLOR, and WIDTH specify how
the vector is displayed. Legal values are as follows:
     KEY: 0 - don't draw anything
          1 - draw line to absolute position
          2 - move to absolute position
          3 - draw dot at absolute position
          4 - draw line to relative position (offset from current position)
          5 - move to relative position (offset from current position)
          6 - draw dot at relative position (offset from current position)
     COLOR: 0-255
     WIDTH: 0-15

 If the NOSAVEFLG argument is non-zero the vector is only drawn without saving in the table (default value is 0).

See Also:

CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, Commands List, Manual Help

jvs/cigal/manual/chapter2/putvec.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by