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CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 4 (Variables): vmode

Vmode -- Integer variable controlling the video display mode

usage: vmode = n

VMODE, an internally defined number variable, controls the mode of the video display system. Changing VMODE automatically changes the state of the video system, as well as adjusting a number of related CIGAL variables associated with the screen dimensions and cursor control.

The allowable values for VMODE will depend on the system's video hardware. Illegal values are generally ignored, however, some video system hardware can cause a system hang-up if set to an illegal value. Exercise some caution when changing this parameter.

The meaning of the different VMODE values is as follows:

 VMODE values 0 to 19 correspond to video modes 1 to 19 as defined by IBM.

 VMODE value 20 is used to put a Hercules graphics adapter into graphics

 VMODE values 51, 84, 97, and 103 are used for Super VGA modes.

 VMODE Graphics Text_Dims  Graph_Dims Wdsiz   Base_Address  Mem_Size  Monitors
   0       -     40 x 25    320 x 400   4 BW    0B800h        800h
   1       -     40 x 25    320 x 400   4       0B800h        800h
   2       -     80 x 25    640 x 400   4 BW    0B800h       1000h
   3       -     80 x 25    640 x 400   4       0B800h       1000h
   4       1     40 x 25    320 x 200   2       0B800h       2000h
   5       1     40 x 25    320 x 200   2 BW    0B800h       2000h
   6       1     80 x 25    640 x 200   1 BW    0B800h       2000h
   7       -     80 x 25    720 x 400   1 BW    0B000h       1000h
   8       -     20 x 25    160 x 200   4       0B000h          0
   9       -     40 x 25    320 x 200   4       0B000h          0
  10       -     80 x 25    640 x 200   2       0B000h          0
  13       1     40 x 25    320 x 200   4       0A000h       2000
  14       1     80 x 25    640 x 200   4       0A000h       4000
  15       -     80 x 25    640 x 350   1 BW    0A000h      14000
  16       1     80 x 25    640 x 350   4       0A000h      14000
  17       1     80 x 30    640 x 480   1 BW    0A000h          0
  18       1     80 x 30    640 x 480   4       0A000h          0
  19       1     40 x 25    320 x 200   8       0A000h          0
  20       1     80 x 25    720 x 348   1       0B000h       8000h
  35 (23h) -    132 x 25   1056 x 350   4       0B800h       256k     1,2,5
  39 (27h) -    132 x 25   1056 x 350   1       0B000h       256k     1,2,5
* 51 (33h) -    132 x 44   1056 x 352   4       0B800h       256k     1,2,5
  55 (37h) -    132 x 44   1056 x 352   1       0B000h       256k     1,2,5
  83 (53h) 1                800 x 600   4       0A000h       256k     1,2,5
* 84 (54h) 1                800 x 600   4       0A000h       256k     5
* 97 (61h) 1                640 x 400   8       0A000h       256k     3,4,5
  98 (62h) 1                640 x 480   8       0A000h       512k     3,4,5
  99 (63h) 1                800 x 600   8       0A000h       512k     5
 101 (65h) 1               1024 x 768   4       0A000h       512k     4,5
*103 (67h) 1               1024 x 768   2       0A000h       256k     4,5
     Monitors: (1) TTL mono (2) EGA (3) VGA (4) IBM 8514 (5) Multisync

See Also:
CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, Variables List, Manual Help

jvs/cigal/manual/chapter4/vmode.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by