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fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (KeyCmds): movekeys

Move Commands -- Summary List

Many key commands are designed to incrementally adjust some aspect of the display. In general, the keyboard arrow keys and the PageUp and PageDown keys are used to increase or decrease display properties along 3 independent dimensions. To simplify embedding these adjustment commands in text strings, the printable characters 'l', 'r', 'i', 'd', '[', and ']' can be used as aliases for the arrow and Page command keys.

Adjustment keys

←,→,l,rleftrightAdjust 1st dimension parameter
Up,Dn,i,dupdownAdjust 2nd dimension parameter
PUp,PDn,[,]pageupdownAdjust 3rd dimension parameter
Home,EndjumpsizeChange the default adjustment step size

The meaning of the adjustment keys is controlled by the Adjustment Mode (see table below).
The magnitude of the adjustment for each key press is controlled by the current jumpsize value.

You can, however, explicitly specify the adjustment size you want by entering a number immediately before the adjustment key. For example, “10r” would be a right adjustment of size 10, regardless of the current jumpsize setting.
Note: Specifying an adjustment size of 0 means use the current jumpsize setting.

You can also specify the mode for each adjustment explicitly by entering the mode number as a second value immediately before the adjustment key. For example “10,4d” would decrease the brightness by 10, regardless of the current active mode setting.

Adjustment mode

Other punctuation special characters (e.g. ~!@#$%^&*) are used to change from one adjustment mode to another. The mode determines the meaning of the arrow keys. The default adjustment mode is Multi.

!1moveEnter translation adjust mode
#2scaleEnter scaling adjust mode
@3rotateEnter rotation adjust mode
$4brightEnter image brightness adjust mode
%,~5threshEnter threshold adjust mode
^6stepEnter stepping mode
&7multiEnter multi-function adjust mode
= setSet parameter explicitly
* pinPin a location

See Also:
fScan Home, fScan Manual, Interactive commands, Manual Help

jvs/fscan/manual/chapter3/movekeys.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by