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fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (KeyCmds): winkeys

Commands for any window -- Summary List

B browseFind files
x clickWait for user cursor input
c copyCopy objects to the clibboard
N count
E execExecute a shell command script
G goExecute an fScan command line
J joinJoin windows by linking controls
j jumpJump to a different window
M menusActivate a taskbar or other menu
v pastePaste objects from the clipboard
X printPrint a message in a window
Q qualityAdjust data transfer quality settings
q quitClose windows or quit fScan
n renewOpen, close, or redraw windows
h roiCreate or manipulate regions of interest (ROIs)
W snapshotWrite the current window to an image file
Y statusDisplay fScan status information
t textAdjust window text display settings
K thresholdAdjust threshold settings
V verboseSet diagnostic and debugging message levels
w windowAdjust window size
? helpDisplay help and header information

See Also:
fScan Home, fScan Manual, Interactive commands, Manual Help

jvs/fscan/manual/chapter3/winkeys.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by