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Bimanual 8 Button Box

Both scanners are equipped with an 8-button 2-box device from Current Design Inc. This device has a separate response box for each hand, with 4 buttons on each box. You can use just one box if you only need 4 buttons, or both boxes for up to 8 response buttons.

The 8-button box is a USB device that functions like the number keys on a computer keyboard. The button keys send a number code that is identical to the codes sent when you press a keyboard number key. The buttons are coded: '1', '2', '3', '4' on one hand box, and '6', '7', '8', and '9' on the other box. Specifically, the box most typically used for the right hand, in the canonical orientation would correspond to index finger = '1', pinky finger = '4'. The box most typically used for the left hand, placed in the canonical orientation would correspond to index finger = '6', pinky finger = '9'. (i.e., looking down at your hands 9,8,7,6 1,2,3,4)

The '5' key is used for a scanner trigger code. This option would send a '5' every time the scanner pulses. This option is disabled by default because anywhere that could accept a keyboard input ( ie: documents, login screen, etc ) would receive a stream of '5's for every pulse, However, this can be enabled with a setting shown below on the fORP controller.

The 8-button box behaves like a keyboard. If the number keys on the computer keyboard work, the 8-button box should also work:

Default Setting ( 003 ):

  • button box mode: “HHSC-2×4-C” response box
  • button mode: “HID NAR NO 5”
    • “NO 5” does NOT send the trigger

To enable the trigger to come through:

  • “Autoconfigure”
  • button mode : “HID NAR 12345”
    • “NAR” means no auto-release. if a button is held down, it will send a stream of that code
    • “12345”. sends all the numbers 1-9, including the '5' trigger code

Current Designs 932 interface manual: 932_manual.pdf

There is a spare HHSC-2×4-C response box in the cabinets of BIAC5 marked NEW. This uses the same settings as above

If there is a button box error and the spare is unavailable:

  • the older 8-button box can be used with the new interface
  • replace the button box at the fiber-optic connection
  • then switch the mode to “Legacy Handheld”

Previously the Wiki described how to connect and disconnect the 8-button box for use on different computers. That feature has been discontinued because we now use only one PC for stimulus programs. (disconnect)


biac/experimentalcontrol/8buttonbox.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/15 14:00 by cmp12