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Note: Golgi has been retired.

Two methods of accessing network file servers are currently used on Golgi.

  • CIFS (Common Internet File System) is normal Windows file sharing and can be used to access Windows servers such as Nernst, Gall and Hall.
  • NFS (Network File System) is typically used on UNIX and Linux servers and can be used to access the NetApp servers (Hodgkin and Huxley) from Golgi.

For ease for use and to facilitate writing scripts which work on both Windows and UNIX/Linux, Golgi is setup to access both CIFS and NFS servers using the following convention:


where ~/ is your home directory

For example \\Nernst\Data1 is accessed from ~/net/nernst/data1/.

These entries are actually just links (symbolic links) to the actual place that the server is mounted. By default, links are setup to all of the common BIAC shares on Gall, Hall, Nernst, Hodgkin, and Huxley. You can update your links to the most current list (maintained by Jimmy Dias) by typing:


Accessing files on NFS servers

You can access your files on the NetApp servers (Hodgkin and Huxley) directly from ~/net/huxley/data/ and ~/net/hodgkin/data/ without any further action.

Example of listing files on \\Huxley\Data:

ls ~/net/huxley/data

Accessing files on CIFS servers

Files on Windows (CIFS) servers are accessed through a program called Sharity. Sharity allows you to mount Windows Networking (CIFS) shares as if they are part of the local filesystem. This means you can access files on Nernst or Gall directly from the p670 without having to SFTP or otherwise copy them.

In order to access files through CIFS, you must first login to the desired Windows server using cifslogin.

cifslogin servername

This will make the named server accessible via its directory in your ~/net directory. For example, if you enter:

cifslogin fatt
password: ********

You will be able to read files on \\fatt\data by going to:


If your username is not the same on Windows and Golgi, you will need to specify -U username to cifslogin. (Note: If your Windows username is longer than 8 characters, they will not be the same, so you will need to specify your Windows username in this case.) If the server is not in the default domain is BIAC, you will also need to specify -D domain to access the server from within the BIAC domain (e.g. from Golgi). The long form of the cifslogin command is:

cifslogin servername -U username -D domain

You will remain logged into the server unless Sharity is restarted or you use cifslogout to disconnect, as in:

cifslogout server

Advanced CIFS mounting notes

If you wish to access a BIAC CIFS server which is not setup by default, you can access the server as follows: (You can type ls /CIFS to determine if a server is accessable through this method)

lnshares //server/share
cifslogin server

If you wish to access a Non-BIAC CIFS server, you will need to mount the server manually as follows:

cifslogin server -U username -D domain
mkdir ~/net/server
mkdir ~/net/server/share
cifsmount //server/share ~/net/server/share

When you are done using the share, type the following to disconnect:

cifsumount ~/net/server/share
cifslogout server

To view the help for an individual Sharity command use -h with the particular command. (e.g. cifsmount -h). View a list of available Sharity commands using sharity -h.

biac/golgicifs.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by