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fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 1 (Topics): cmdsummary

Old CmdSummary --

FScan command lines can accept a number of optional arguments, each indicated by an initial '-'. The following command line options are recognized:

-averageGenerate average timecourse movie (with -M)
-blocksSpecify block condition in 1 cycle
-convolveConvolve images using kernal matrix
-cpusEnable parallel process queuing
-correlateGenerate map of correlation coefficients
-despikeFilter extreme values (i.e., shot noise)
-detrendRemove slow temporal fluctuations (detrend)
-displayShow images on window display (alias: -X)
-expressionDo arithmetic expression using INFILE and IN2
-groupspecify grouping parameters
-headerFile header specifications
-historyAdd file HIST to history; 0=omit history
-joinJoin (append) data in IN2 to INFILE
-maskSpecify binary (byte) mask image for input
-meanGenerate mean images
-normalizeNormalize intensities to a constant mean
-outputCreate output file
-optionsRead command options from OPTIONFILE or menu
-plotPlot time data with uneven time base
-phaseCreate a phase map (with -F or -C)
-reflistSpecify image reference codes
-rfilterUnmodulate temporal fluctuations by condition
-rmapMap temporal fluctuations by condition
-reconReconstruct images from raw data
-squareClip to square images
-subsetSpecify XYZT subset
-stabplotsCalculate displacements of center-of-mass
-statsCalculate ROI stats
-surfaceSurface data
-timebaseUneven TR; TR align/create T1 map/use T1 map to adjust
-ttestGenerate ttest or simple threshold maps
-verboseVerbose flag – display progress information
-varianceGenerate variance images
-writeoverWrite over existing files flag
-waitWait for input images to be generated


-a flag width Average input voxels in space or time
-A file flag align gray flat Anatomical images to use for background
-b blk0 blk1 … blk9 Duration of each block condition in 1 cycle
-B flag arg0 arg1 … Extra options describing condition blocks
-c outfile hdrflg Put a copy of raw input data to outfile
-C ref out ptyp scal sav flg Generate map of correlation coefficients
-d out flag refimg slice max Calculate displacements of center-of-mass
-D nx ny nz nt wsz hdr rhdr… Define data dimensions of input file
-e [N] op in2 [mode] val val2 Do arithmetic expression using INFILE and IN2
-E Nstdevs flg winsiz Filter extreme values (i.e., shot noise)
-f maxfreq flg out Create a FFT frequency power spectrum
-F freq out ptype fratio Create a FFT power map at FREQ cycles
-g grouptask maxgrps Select grouping variable (for -M -V -T -A)
-G flag t0 r1 r2 rt win n1 n2 Get grouping codes from analog waveforms
-h fmt [args] File header format specifications
-H hist Add file HIST to history; 0=omit history
-i ilist flg arg varb list2 Specify input image codes
-I gflg dxy oflg mode dt dbg Reconstruct images from raw data
-j cond1 cond2 … cond9 Join conditions COND2 … with COND1
-J in2 flag Join (append) data in IN2 to INFILE
-k flg scale kernal offset Convolve images using kernal matrix
-K leng flg synch skp bin ref Generate average timecourse movie (with -M)
-m mask thresh_pct Specify binary (byte) mask image for input
-M out ptype maxvols ngroup Generate mean images
-n nx ny rdallflg XY size of input subregion
-N [nimgs nmlflg mean] Normalize intensities to a constant mean
-o x0 y0 XY origin of input subregion
-O optionfile Read command options from OPTIONFILE or menu
-p flag Perturb alignment to find best overlap
-P out max thrsh ptyp np dp p2 Create a phase map (with -F or -C)
-q Clip to square images
-Q nprocs procflg Enable parallel process queuing
-r flag x0 y0 z0 nx ny nz Print ROI stats
-R nnodes flag Remove slow temporal fluctuations (detrend)
-s scalfact ioff maxval flg Specify scale and offset for output images
-S [mode] file flag align … Surface data
-t t0 nt T (volume) parameters of input subregion
-T c1 c2 task out ptype thresh Generate ttest or simple threshold maps
-u trs t1map wrtflg t0 u0 Uneven TR; TR align/create T1 map/use T1 map to adjust
-U trec drec color flg y0 yscl Plot time data with uneven time base
-v level dbgflg dbgx dbgy … Verbose flag – display progress information
-V out ptype rdonly Generate variance images
-w wfile Write flag
-W flg Wait for input images to be generated
-x inorder outorder Specify data order (default: in=xytz, out=in)
-X dev flg panels tnam ncol… Show images on X-window display
-y cond flag nbins arg out Map temporal fluctuations by condition
-Y cond flag nbins arg Unmodulate temporal fluctuations by condition
-z z0 nz Z parameters of input subregion
-Z Reslice image volume, or set slice flags

See Also:

fScan Home, fScan Manual, Topics, Manual Help

jvs/fscan/manual/chapter1/cmdsummary.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by