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fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (KeyCmds:WinKeys): threshold

Threshold -- Control thresholding features

usage: mode,flag,flag2 K

     K    toggle threshold on/off

  MODE: 0 - turn off thresholds

        1 - turn on thresholds

        2,flag,flag2 - set threshold flags to FLAG
           Threshold FLAG values:
            1 - On if value >= low thresh
            2 - On if value <= high thresh
            3 - On if value >= low thresh AND value <= high thresh
            4 - On if value >= low thresh OR value <= high thresh (low>high)
            5 - On if value <= low thresh
            6 - On if value >= high thresh
          010 - only show boundaries of threshold region
          020 - high thresh is band-width, must be >= low AND <= (low+high)
          040 - binary     
         0100 - fill
         0200 - upper
         0400 - tenths
        01000 - adaptive
        02000 - roi
        04000 - wrap

     Note, FLAG2 lets you change only selected bits:
           FLAG2= -1 - set bits to FLAG (default)
                   0 - turn off bits specified in FLAG
                   1 - turn on bits specified in FLAG
                   2 - toggle bits specified in FLAG
        3,thresh,rangemin,rangemax - set min threshold values

        4,thresh,rangemin,rangemax - set max threshold values

        5,flg,delta - set threshold(s) to value at cursor
              FLG  1 - set low thresh to  Value - Delta
                   2 - set high thresh to Value + Delta
                   4 - Delta is percentage of Value
              Examples (assuming Value at cursor is 3000):
                5,1K        low=3000       high=unchanged
                5,2,100K    low=unchanged  high=3100
                5,6,10K     low=unchanged  high=3300
                5,7,20K     low=2400       high=3600

        6,Nbits,mask,flg - clear low data bits for masking
           FLG: 1 - adjust brightness scale and threshold values
                2 - shift if necessary, but otherwise don't clear low bits
           Note: Bit shifting is automatic in MODE 7.

        7,flg,setvalue - convert threshold to bit mask
           FLG: Bit-mask controlling filling options
               1 - set values >= thresh1 to SETVALUE
               2 - set values <= thresh2 to SETVALUE
               3 - set values >= thresh1 AND <= thresh2 to SETVALUE
               4 - set values >= thresh1 || <= thresh2 to SETVALUE (assumes thresh1 > thresh2)
               5 - set values <= thresh1 to SETVALUE
               6 - set values >= thresh2 to SETVALUE
             010 - clear low bits before setting mask
             020 - use 2 bits for mask
             040 - set voxels that DON't match condition (FLG&7)
        8,nbits - set number of mask bits to NBITS
          Note: This parameter may be automatically set using 6K or 7K functions.

        9 - show threshold values

See Also:
fScan Home, fScan Manual, KeyCmds, WinKeys, Manual Help

jvs/fscan/manual/chapter3/winkeys/threshold.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by