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fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (KeyCmds:WinKeys): help

Help -- Get help information

usage: flag ?

The '?' command entered interactively will display help information in a text window. The FLAG argument can be used to specify what type of help information you want.

If the FLAG is not specified (or 0), the default behavior is to open an interactive HELP window to allow you to browse this fScan on-line reference manual Wiki.

Alternatively, the following FLAG values will display data header information:

  • 98 - Display a list of all data sets in the current active workspace.
  • 99 - Display data header information for the current active data set.

Finding the Wiki pages.
The Wiki will be looked for at the website specified in your fScan configuration “helpsite” setting. If you do not have network access or that website can not be found, a local version of the Wiki pages will be displayed. The local version is distributed with fScan and should be located at the file directory specified by your configuration setting “helplocal”. If the “helplocal” directory name does not start with a '/', it will be treated as relative to your “fscanhome” directory setting.

See Also:

fScan Home, fScan Manual, KeyCmds, WinKeys, Manual Help

jvs/fscan/manual/chapter3/winkeys/winhelp.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by