%% add biac tools if needed %run /usr/local/packages/MATLAB/BIAC/startup.m %%add my functions %addpath \\Munin\Data\Programs\User_Scripts\petty\matlab\ addpath /home/petty/net/munin/data/Programs/User_Scripts/petty/matlab/ %%XML with behavioral and ROIS XML_docname = '11436_run04_roiHits_pupil.xml'; %%preprocessed eyetracking data ET_filename = '11436_run4_pre.txt'; %%Path to your actual images, an array if multiple locations possible imgPath = {'//hill/data/Dichter/AutReg.01/Stimuli/AutReg.01/','//hill/data/Dichter/AutReg.01/Notes/SubjectPics/PS06'}; %%Image attribute name from behavioral XML [value=name"THIS"] imgAttr = 'imgName'; %%screen resolution of stimulus computer xRes = 1024; yRes = 768; scrSize = [ xRes yRes ]; %%turn on scanpath lines linesOn = 1; %%turn on pause withPause = 0; %1=on, this pauses between every point %%run the function %%this will show image, ROI, and ET points ROI_redraw(XML_docname,ET_filename,imgPath,imgAttr,scrSize,linesOn,withPause); %%this will only show image and ET points %ET_plot(XML_docname,ET_filename,imgPath,imgAttr,scrSize,linesOn,withPause);