==== Sample CIGAL fMRI paradigm file ==== Stimulus timing is controlled by simple text files with two parts. The lines at the top specify parameters to use during the paradigm. These can be any CIGAL commands, but typically just involve setting global variable values. In this example, most of the parameter section (“fslscheds”) is devoted to specifying how to convert stimulus events into timing files suitable for FSL image analysis. The text below the blank line is the stimulus timing list, organized as a table. Each line specifies a separate stimulus event. The columns specify stimulus file (or text string or command), a user-defined ID value, a control flag, the onset and duration in milliseconds, and screen location for visual stimuli. Stimuli can overlap in time and do not need to be listed in chronological order. The following is an example of a simple input file that mixes graphics, pictures, text, movies, and sound stimuli. (Text following a ';' is ignored by CIGAL.) showplay 0 ; initialize new showplay task sbackcolor = "black" ; screen background color stextcolor = 'white' return ; end of parameters (must be followed by blank line) ;Stimulus ID Flg Onset(ms) Duration LocationXY "Press for faces" 99 0 0 4000 -1 -1 ; show text fix 1 0 4000 0 -1 -1 ; central '+' tones1.wav 12 0 6000 4000 face1.jpg 13 1 10000 1000 200 100 dots1.avi 14 0 12000 4000 -1 -1 fix 1 0 16000 0 -1 -1 tones3.wav 22 0 18000 4000 face2.pcx 23 1 22000 1000 400 200 dots2.avi 24 0 24000 4000 -1 -1 quit 0 0 30000