====== runFREE.sh Example Script ====== The example script below will run freesurfer segmentation (using recon-all) on a hi-resolution anatomical series. **NOTE**: Please be considerate when running freesurfer scripts on the cluster. Since Freesurfer can take over a day to complete, please do not submit too many jobs as other users will have to wait for these processes to complete before theirs will start. ===== submitting runFREE.sh ===== Example usage: [user@head ~]$ qsub -v EXPERIMENT=Dummy.01 RunFree.sh 20071031_12345 Data/Anat/20071031_12345/series300 #!/bin/sh # This is a BIAC template script for running FreeSurfer reconstruction on the cluster # You can use this script with no modification by entering the following command on # the cluster head-node: # # > qsub -v EXPERIMENT=MyExperiment RunFree.sh SubjID SeriesDir # where: # MyExperiment is your BIAC experiment name (eg. Expt.02) # SubjID is the name you want to assign for this subject reconstruction # (eg. 1234 or subj21) # SeriesDir is the directory path to get to your anatomical DICOM images for the # subject you want to reconstruct, within your MyExperiment directory # (eg. Data/Anat/20110101_12345/series300 ) # # The job will create an output directory for this subject, within your MyExperiment # directory at: # Analysis/freesurfer/SubjID # # Note: The QSUB command will automatically insert your email address to notify you of job # status. # # If you want to modify this template script, there are 2 USER sections: # 1. USER DIRECTIVE: If you want mail notifications when # your job is completed or fails you need to set the # correct email address. # # 2. USER SCRIPT: Add the user script in this section. # Within this section you can access your experiment # folder using $EXPERIMENT. All paths are relative to this variable # eg: $EXPERIMENT/Data $EXPERIMENT/Analysis # By default all terminal output is routed to the " Analysis " # folder under the Experiment directory i.e. $EXPERIMENT/Analysis # To change this path, set the OUTDIR variable in this section # to another location under your experiment folder # eg: OUTDIR=$EXPERIMENT/Analysis/GridOut # By default on successful completion the job will return 0 # If you need to set another return code, set the RETURNCODE # variable in this section. To avoid conflict with system return # codes, set a RETURNCODE higher than 100. # eg: RETURNCODE=110 # Arguments to the USER SCRIPT are accessible in the usual fashion # eg: $1 $2 $3 # The remaining sections are setup related and don't require # modifications for most scripts. They are critical for access # to your data # --- BEGIN GLOBAL DIRECTIVE -- #$ -S /bin/sh #$ -o $HOME/$JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out #$ -e $HOME/$JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out #$ -m ea # -- END GLOBAL DIRECTIVE -- # -- BEGIN PRE-USER -- #Name of experiment whose data you want to access EXPERIMENT=${EXPERIMENT:?"Experiment not provided"} EXPERIMENT=`findexp $EXPERIMENT` EXPERIMENT=${EXPERIMENT:?"Returned NULL Experiment"} if [ $EXPERIMENT = "ERROR" ] then exit 32 else #Timestamp echo "----JOB [$JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID] START [`date`] on HOST [$HOSTNAME]----" # -- END PRE-USER -- # ********************************************************** # -- BEGIN USER DIRECTIVE -- # Send notifications to the following address #$ -M user@somewhere.edu # -- END USER DIRECTIVE -- # -- BEGIN USER SCRIPT -- SUBJ=$1 SERIESDIR=$2 RAWDIR=${EXPERIMENT}/${SERIESDIR} FREEOUT=${EXPERIMENT}/Analysis/freesurfer #if out directory doesn't exist, then make it if [ ! -d "$FREEOUT" ]; then mkdir -p $FREEOUT fi #if the fsaverage subject doesn't exist there, then copy it for freedirs in fsaverage lh.EC_average rh.EC_average; do if [ ! -d "${FREEOUT}/${freedirs}" ]; then cp -R $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/${freedirs} $FREEOUT/ fi done export SUBJECTS_DIR=$FREEOUT cd $SUBJECTS_DIR recon-all -i $RAWDIR/*_00001.dcm -s $SUBJ recon-all -autorecon-all -s $SUBJ # -- END USER SCRIPT -- # # ********************************************************** # -- BEGIN POST-USER -- echo "----JOB [$JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID] STOP [`date`]----" OUTDIR=${OUTDIR:-$EXPERIMENT/Analysis} mv $HOME/$JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out $OUTDIR/$JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out RETURNCODE=${RETURNCODE:-0} exit $RETURNCODE fi # -- END POST USER--