The data you will use are 5 runs of a blocked-design motor squeezing task. They are available at **\\huxley\data\Class.01\Examples\FSL_sample**. We've already done the first-level analyses for you. You are going to do the second-level analyses. **Remember that you can look at last week's laboratory (i.e., first-level analyses) for general information about running FSL (e.g., accessing the server).** ====== 2nd-Level FEAT Analyses====== **FEAT is used to compare one subject's data across all runs** - Once the first-level analyses have been done for all of the **Block** runs (odd runs), we will combine all the **Block** data across runs to improve our statistical power. - Go to **Huxley/data/Class.01/Examples/FSL_sample** and click through the **run#** folders to look at the **report.html** files that were created when you ran first level. - Log into Golgi and cd into **Huxley/data/Class.01/Examples/FSL_sample** and type **fsl &** to bring up the GUI - Click **FEAT** ===== Data Tab ===== - In the **Data** tab at the top click where it should say **First Level Analysis** and select **Higher Level Analysis** - The uppermost button within the **Data** tab should read **Inputs are Lower Level FEAT directories** - The number of analyses for should be **5**, for all of the odd numbered runs (1,3,5,7,9}. - Click **Select FEAT directories**, you should already be in the **FSL_sample** directory and click into the **run# folders**. Once you click into all the **run#** directories in the **Select input data** GUI you are done and click **ok**. Do this for all the runs that you are combining, **1,3,5,7,9**. - Once you have loaded all of the **FEAT directories** that you need click **ok** - Under **select output directory** type **/mnt/huxley/data/Class.01/Students/your folder that you created when you did firstlevel/secondlevel** this should create a folder in your first folder titled **secondlevel.gfeat** when we are all done. - **Use lower level copes** should appear and **1** should be selected (yellow) ===== Stats Tab ===== - In the **Stats** tab, use **Fixed Effects**. Note that the standard used to be Mixed effects; Fixed is now recommended. (Mixed is still recommended for across-subjects analyses.) - Click **Full Model setup** and you should have a column named **EV1** and it should have all **1's** in the column - Click **Done** ===== Saving ===== - Click **save** and type **/mnt/huxley/data/Class.01/Students/yourfolder/secondlevel** in the selection box. - Then exit FSL by closing its window. ===== Running FSL for 2nd-level Analyses===== - In the terminal window, change to the directory that contains your **.fsf** file. For example: **cd ../../Students/yourfolder** - Then, start FSL normally. - Load your **.fsf** file. - Click **Go**, a FEAT Watcher window should pop up and let it run through - Examples of what your FEAT report should look like can be found in **Students/Example FSL/FSL/Block** or **Event.gfeat** - Click the internet explorer icon that says report and compare it to yours - You don't need to do a third-level analysis because there is only one subject.