**Troubleshooting** ===== Nothing visible in the goggles===== Please check the following: * [[biac:troubleshooting:stimulus_control_system:video:goggles:nothing_vis:electri_power | Is there electrical power coming to the goggles?]] * [[biac:troubleshooting:stimulus_control_system:video:goggles:nothing_vis:controlbox_on | Is the goggle control box turned on?]] * [[biac:troubleshooting:stimulus_control_system:video:goggles:nothing_vis:unexpectedly_turn_off | Did the goggles unexpectedly turn off?]] If the goggle control box shows that there is power but there is still nothing visible, try turning off and on the power switch and/or unplugging and replugging the power supply. If the screen is still blank you may need to try a different set of goggles, and/or get help. [[biac:troubleshooting:stimulus_control_system:video:goggles | Back]]\\ [[biac:troubleshooting:stimulus_control_system | Back to Troubleshooting]]