**CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 1 (Topics): commands** ===== Commands -- A brief description of CIGAL internal commands ===== (Note: * indicates command is not yet available) | } |-mark the end of a block of conditional commands| | $ |-temporary escape from CIGAL to execute other programs\ | Alarm |-set a timer to execute a command string after a delay| | *Analogio |-| | Animate |-display a series of pictures in rapid succession| | Argshift |-shift command line arguments in a CIGAL macro program| | Axis |-draw a coordinate axis for a graph or histogram| | Box |-draw a box| | Break |-break out of a loop of conditional code| | Call |-execute a device-dependent function| | Chdir |-change the current working directory| | Circle |-draw a circle| | Close |-close an open file or data channel| | Compile |-compile a CIGAL macro program to speed up execution| | Comwrite |-write data to a serial communication port| | Declare |-create a new data variable| | Default |-set default values for arguments to a macro command| | Define |-define a word or function to be expanded by the preprocessor| | Delete |-delete a disk file, or remove a loaded menu or macro entry| | Digitize |-digitize an image from the video camera input| | Directory |-display a list of disk files| | Dmread |-read a multi-format data management file| | Dmwrite |-write to a multi-format data management file| | Dump |-dump the contents of a variable in an easy-to-reload format| | Edit |-edit a disk file, data variable, or screen image| | Ellipse |-draw an ellipse| | Else |-start the second block of conditional code in an IF/ELSE test| | Erase |-erase all or part of the display| | Execute |-execute a character string as a CIGAL command line| | FFT |-perform a fast Fourier transform on a variable| | Fill |-fill a larger variable with many copies of a smaller variable| | Font |-load a character font| | Freeze |-make current display parameters permanent| | Ftype |-formatted version of the TYPE command| |* Getvec |-| | Goto |-jump to a specified line label within a CIGAL macro program| | Grid |-draw a grid on the display screen| | Help |-print out information about how to use commands| | Histogram |-draw a histogram (or smooth curve) of a data array| | If |-conditional test within a CIGAL macro program| | Initialize |-select and initialize the input or display devices| | Input |-read graphics image from stored vector file| |x Ipalu |-arithmetically combine two images| |* Ipwait |-wait until the end of the next image processor cycle| | Journal |-display or re-execute previous commands| | Label |-mark the target of a jump from a GOTO statement| | Line |-draw a line| | List |-display a text file or macro| | Load |-transfer values from an array to separate number variables| | Macro |-load a macro program into CIGAL's system macro library| | Manual |-format HELP information in a form suitable for printing| | Menu |-load, activate, or inactivate command menus| | Next |-jump back to the top of a WHILE or REPEAT loop| |* Number |-print a number on the screen| | Offset |-shift a variable along the X, Y, and/or Z axes| | Open |-open a disk file or assign an open file to a data channel| | Output |-write graphics data to a vector file| | Paint |-paint a region of the screen| | Picture |-read a picture (PICT) file| | Pin |-set the stationary point for rotation or scaling| | Plot |-plot one variable against another| | Portio |-read or write to one of the PC's I/O ports| | Print |-send a file or data variable to the printer| |* Putvec |-add a vector to the vector table (VECS)| | Quit |-terminate CIGAL| | Read |-read data from disk file into a CIGAL variable| | Realtime |-execute a program using the real-time processor| | Redraw |-redraw all or part of an image| | Release |-unDECLARE a data variable, releasing any associated memory| | Repeat |-execute a block of commands more than once| | Resource |-read or write data "resources"| | Return |-terminate a CIGAL macro program or subroutine| | Roam |-move the image position in the X-Y plane (pan and scroll)| | Rotate |-rotate a variable around the X, Y, and/or Z axes| | Rtclock |-control a real-time clock counter| | Run |-execute a CIGAL macro program| | Scale |-scale a variable along the X, Y, and/or Z axes| | Scanner |-read data using image scanner| |x Set |-set the value of a variable using screen display| | Show |-display the status of various aspects of CIGAL| | Sketch |-use the cursor to enter graphics data| | Sound |-record or playback sound data| | Spline |-redraw a vector list as a smooth curve between fixed points| | Stretch |-interactively adjust lookup table (e.g. to enhance contrast)| |x String |-display a text string on the screen| | Surface |-construct surfaces from vector contours| | Synch |-set command execution to be synchronized by external events| | Sysint |-execute an operating system interrupt call| | Text |-put text on screen or into an image or graphics variable| | Type |-display messages and/or the values of data variables| |* User1 |-| |* User2 |-| |* User3 |-| | View |-select which memory plane(s) to display| | Wait |-wait for a specified amount of time or until user input| | Watch |-display data variable on the screen with continuous updating| | While |-execute a conditional loop of commands| | Window |-| | Write |-write data from a CIGAL data variable to a disk file| | Zscan |-Convert 2-D data to 3-D data using data value as Z position| For more information on a particular command type: help commandname where COMMANDNAME is the command of interest. For more general help type: help **See Also:**\\ [[jvs:cigal|CIGAL Home]], [[jvs:cigal:manual|CIGAL Manual]], [[jvs:cigal:manual:chapter1|Topics List]], [[jvs:cigal:manual:help|Manual Help]]