**CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 1 (Topics): internals** ===== Internals -- Internal Variables ===== The following is a brief summary of the internal variables CIGAL uses to control various aspects of its operation. These variables are described in chapter 4 of the CIGAL User's Manual (see [[jvs:cigal:manual:chapter4:aflags|AFLAGS(4)]]). In this table, the TYPE entry indicates the data type for each variable: Number (N), Character String (S), String List (SL), Array (A), Matrix (M), Image (I), Vector (V), Vector List (VL), Pointer (P) | NAME | TYPE |MEANING| | ==== | ==== |=======| | aflags | N |Flag controlling arithmetic options| | barleng | N |Default length of SKETCH calibration bar| | bitmask | N |not used| | boxval | | | | calbar | N |not used| | calfact | | | | camera | N |Camera select for image processor digitizer| | cgain | N |Image processor camera gain| | chkkey | | | | cmdlin | S |DOS arguments to CIGAL when the program was started| | coffset | N |Image processor camera offset| | com1 | | | | com2 | | | | cpuspeed| N |CPU processing speed in MHz (approx.)| | ctrap | S |Command string to be executed upon -C| | cursor | N |Flag controlling cursor options| | cursval | N |not used| | cursx | N |Current X postition of cursor| | cursy | N |Current Y postition of cursor| | dac0 | N |Value of 1st D/A converter if present| | dac1 | N |Value of 2nd D/A converter if present| | datadir | S |Template for names of numbered file variables| | debug | N |Flag controlling debugging options| | drawkeys| S | | | editor | S |Name of file editor to use with ED command| | emembase| | | | ememsize| | | | flags | N |Flag controlling runtime options| | fmenu | SL |Srings defining Function keys and mouse buttons| | freestack| N |Amount of free stack remaining| | getx | N |Get new X postition of cursor| | gety | N |Get new Y postition of cursor| | gflags | N |Flag controlling graphics options| | gplane | N |Current graphics memory plane| | gunit | | | | hdrtxt | S |Text stored in header block of file variables| | helpfile| S |Name of CIGAL help file (includes error messages)| | ibase | N |Default base for numerical input (usually 10)| | iflags | N |Flag controlling image processor options| | iplane | N |Current image processor memory plane| | keybd | N |Get a character from the keyboard| | lastvec | N |Highest vector number created in VECS| | lcolor | N |Line color value for drawing vectors| | lpat | N |Line pattern value for drawing vectors (not used)| | lwidth | N |Line width value for drawing vectors (has bugs)| | margsize| N |Width of graphics screen including menu margin| | menufile| S | | | menuflag| N |Flag controlling which screen menu is active| | nargs | N |Number of arguments for current macro program| | nmenus | | | | nvecs | N |Number of active vectors in VECS| | nvdata | | | | obase | N |Number base for TYPE output (usually 10)| | outlun | N |Unit number for standard output (1 = CRT screen)| | path | S |List of directories to search for macros and menus| | penwidth| N |How many drawn lines per vector line (usually 1)| | prompt | S |Current command prompt message| | prpage | N |Number of pages per printer page| | quitstr | S |Command string to be executed when quitting CIGAL| | sflags | N |Flag controlling SKETCH options| | simage | P | | | stack | A |LONG array for direct access to internal stack| | state | N |Flag indicating current execution state| | sysdir | S |Name of CIGAL system directory| | tablet | N |Flag controlling digitizing tablet options| | unit | N |Current active device| | vdata | P | | | vdatfil | S | | | version | N |Current CIGAL version number| | vec0 | | | | vecfil | S |Name of temporary file used for VECS| | vecs | P |Pointer to a file vector list (VL) containing the list of active display vectors| | vimage | P |Pointer to matrix or image variable in which to draw active graphics vectors| | vmode | N |Current video mode| | vpage | | | | vplane | N |Current video plane| | vwindow | | | | xmarg | N |Width of graphics menu margin| | zimage | P |Pointer to matrix or image variable in which to draw depth map (Z-values) of active graphics vectors| | zvalue | N |Default Z value for creating vectors|| **See Also:**\\ [[jvs:cigal|CIGAL Home]], [[jvs:cigal:manual|CIGAL Manual]], [[jvs:cigal:manual:chapter1|Topics List]], [[jvs:cigal:manual:help|Manual Help]]