**CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 6 (RealTime): r_swait** ===== r_swait -- Wait for sound output to finish ===== ** usage: r_swait** Waits for active asynchronous sound output to terminate. Sound output must have been previously started by a call to [R_SOUND][6] (or [SOUND][2]). If there is no active sound being played this command returns immediately. **See Also:**\\ [[jvs:cigal:manual:chapter6:r_sound|R_SOUND(6)]], [[jvs:cigal:manual:chapter2:sound|SOUND(2)]] [[jvs:cigal|CIGAL Home]], [[jvs:cigal:manual|CIGAL Manual]], [[jvs:cigal:manual:chapter6|RealTime List]], [[jvs:cigal:manual:help|Manual Help]]