**CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 6 (RealTime): r_word** ===== r_word -- Display a single word from a string of text ===== **usage: r_word opflg eflag ltime Point TextStr Flg Maxchar Wordnum** R_WORD is a REALTIME operator that displays a single word of text on the screen. The position of the text display is specified by POINT, an array of 2 integer values for X and Y. TEXTSTR can either be a simple character string variable or a string list variable. WORDNUM specifies which word of the text string to display, with the first word being WORDNUM 0. Words are defined as a group of text separated by spaces (ASCII 32) or newlines (ASCII 10). Multiple separators in succession are treated as one. Unlike R_TEXT, R_WORD does not increment string list variables in TEXTSTR. The FLG variable is a bit flag that can be used as follows: 1 - center the displayed text at POINT 2 - before displaying text first clear previous text at that POINT 4 - adjust POINT to point to the end of the displayed text 16 - adjust POINT to point to 1 space after the end of the displayed text If MAXCHAR is specified and non-zero it will be used as the maximum number of text characters that will be displayed. **See Also:**\\ [[jvs:cigal:manual:chapter6:r_number|R_NUMBER(6)]], [[jvs:cigal:manual:chapter6:r_text|R_TEXT(6)]] [[jvs:cigal|CIGAL Home]], [[jvs:cigal:manual|CIGAL Manual]], [[jvs:cigal:manual:chapter6|RealTime List]], [[jvs:cigal:manual:help|Manual Help]]