**ShowPlay Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (ControlVariables): dx2/dy2** ===== DX2/DY2 -- Secondary display horizontal/vertical center ===== DX2 and DY2 are integer numbers. They are automatically set to the center coordinates of the secondary video screen, typically used for operator messages and behavioral feedback displays. Use DX2 and DY2 to center messages that you specifically want to appear in the secondary display screen. If you are using dual-screen video displays, see [[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter3:dx1|Dx1/Dy1]] for directing messages to the primary paradigm isplay (which the subject would see). The default value for DX2 is 1/2 the secondary (feedback) display screen width. The default value for DY2 is 1/2 the screen height. **See Also:**\\ [[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter1:scaledisplay|Display Scaling]], [[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter3:widscale|Widscale]], [[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter3:hgtscale|Hgtscale]], [[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter3:rgbscale|RGBscale]], [[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter3:sx0|Sx0/Sy0]], [[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter3:dx1|Dx1/Dy1]] [[jvs:cigal|CIGAL Home]], [[jvs:cigal:manual|CIGAL Manual]], [[jvs:cigal:showplay|ShowPlay Home]], [[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual|ShowPlay Manual]], [[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter3|InputParameters List]], [[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:help|Manual Help]]