**fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 2 (CmdLineOptions): create** ===== Create -- Create surface reconstructions or paint surfaces from images===== ==== usage: ==== -create surface SURFNAME COLOR IMIN IMAX FLAG DOTSIZE EDGEFLAG EDGEVAL\\ -create plane WIDTH NPIXS FLAG\\ -create corner\\ -create sphere\\ -create paint PAINTNAME SURFNAME FLAG IMIN IMAX THICKNESS SMOOTHFLG\\ -create paint FLAG IMIN IMAX THICKNESS SMOOTHFLG\\ -create paint PAINTNAME label SRCFILE LABELFILE CTABFILE\\ -create paint PAINTNAME annot SRCFILE\\ ===== ===== The CREATE command is used to create a new data set. **Create SURFACE**\\ This will sample intensity values in the current image volume to create a new 3-D surface data. * FLAG - The FLAG argument lets you specify sampling options: * 1 - binary: use low bit (maskbits) as voxel values for creating surface * 2 - fastsurf: flag this as a FAST surface (coarser 2nd surface version within data set) * 4 - ROI: only include image voxels within current active ROI * 010 - growonly: just set flag (bit=4) on image voxels that would be included on surface * 020 - colors: set surface color to image color (default if COLOR not specified) * 040 - height: set Z value to intensity * 0100 - notriangles: vertices only, don't create triangles * 0200 - nosmooth: don't smooth vertex locations across neighboring triangles (smooth is default) * 0400 - boundary: create surface at all image intensity boundaries * 01000 - objects: make different colors different objects * 02000 - gtdepth: reverse depth flag; show points with higher (usually lower) Z values * 010000 - noshow: create surface data but don't create surface display window * 040000 - append: append to existing data set * 0100000 - outside: include voxels <= IMIN or >= IMAX (usually only >= IMIN and <= IMAX) * DOTSIZE - * EDGEFLAG: * 0 - don't include edge of ROI as surface points * 1 - treate edge of ROI as part of surface * >=2 - process edges in EDGEFLAG/2 passes (not sure why) * EDGEVAL - surface edge value flag (default=2) **Create PAINT**\\ This will sample intensity values in the current image volume to create a 'paint' overlay for existing 3-D surface data. The inputs are the image volume (current data set) and surface (previous data set). Names for paint and surf can be omitted -create paint PAINTNAME SURFNAME FLAG IMIN IMAX THICKNESS create PAINTNAME for SURFNAME from intensities in IO_IN volume SURF is previous window by default -create paint FLAG IMIN IMAX THICKNESS names of paint and surf can be omitted -create paint PAINTNAME label SRCFILE LABELFILE CTABFILE create PAINTNAME by combining SRCFILE LABELFILE CTABFILE -create paint PAINTNAME annot SRCFILE ?? FLAG: 1 MKPT_MAKEVTX 2 MKPT_NMLOUT 4 MKPT_ZEROS 010 MKPT_FILTERED - paint filtered values from window 020 MKPT_NMLFIRST 040 MKPT_NOFRAMELIMIT Note: If the input voxel data set (io) has multiple time points (up to 50), a separate paint "frame" will be created for each time point. If NT > 50 you must specify the NOFRAMELIMIT flag to get multiple frames, otherwise it only generates 1 frame (assuming a movie is not really wanted). **See Also:**\\ [[jvs:fscan|fScan Home]], [[jvs:fscan:manual|fScan Manual]], [[jvs:fscan:manual:chapter2|CmdLineOptions]], [[jvs:fscan:manual:help|Manual Help]]