**fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 2 (CmdLineOptions:Expr): detransient** ===== detransient -- Remove transient signals from time series ===== **usage: -expr detransient length [flag]**\\ DETRANSIENT censors out onset transient time course signals in each voxel. It replaces the first LENGTH time values with the LENGTH+1 value. * LENGTH - number of onset time points (or seconds if FLAG&1) to remove (default: 4 secs) * FLAG - options (combine options by adding values) * 1 - LENGTH value is onset in seconds (default is time points) * 2 - Set ACTIVE array flags to 0 for onset transient time points (not yet implemented) * 4 - Set ACTIVE flags to 0 for offset (last) time point (not yet implemented) * 8 - Only set ACTIVE flags, do not modify time series data (not yet implemented) **See Also:**\\ [[jvs:fscan|fScan Home]], [[jvs:fscan:manual|fScan Manual]], [[jvs:fscan:manual:chapter2|CmdLineOptions]], [[jvs:fscan:manual:chapter2:expression|Expression Command]], [[jvs:fscan:manual:help|Manual Help]]