**fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (KeyCmds): edittaskbar ** ===== Editting a taskbar ===== **usage: 'textstring'128,CMD,VAL,... M** Using MODE 128 with the interactive 'M' command you can create or modify a taskbar menu. A taskbar consists of 3 separate files: * menuname.xml - a text file in XML form that describes the taskbar and includes command and help text * menuname.jpg - a JPEG image file containing the display icons (typically 32x32 pixels each) in a single column * menunametab.jpg - a JPEG file containing the tab image (typically the taskbar name on a gray 64x14 background) The MODE 128 commands take the form:\\ The separate CMD options are:\\ * 0 - close the taskbar editor * 1 - open existing taskbar TEXTSTRING for editing * 2 - open taskbar TEXTSTRING or create if it does not exist * 3 - save the current taskbar files * 4 - set editing options * VAL - which option * 1 - single widget display mode * 2 - build a macro command (combine many taskbar items in a single icon) * 3 - icon graphical editor mode (not ready) * VAL2 - option value * 0 - turn option off * 1 - turn option on * 2 - toggle option on/off (default) * 5 - copy item to the current widget being edited * VAL - source of copy * 0 - widget in previous taskbar window * VAL2 - elements to copy (default=15) * 1 - prompt text * 2 - command text * 4 - help text * 8 - icon image * 1 - previous widget in current taskbar being edited * VAL2 - elements to copy (same as VAL 0) * 2 - previous window image (must be 24-bit RGB image data) * 3 - icon in previous window image (assumes icons of the same size as current taskbar) * VAL2 - icon number in image (icon at cursor by default) * 4 - image file (TEXTSTRING filename or a file browsing window will appear) * 5 - icon in image file (like VAL 3) * VAL2 - icon number in image file (1-Max) * If the source is an image file, only the icon image is affected * 6 - set parameters for currently selected widget (select widget by clicking icon) * VAL - which parameter * 1 - set command text string * 2 - set help text string * 3 - set icon prompt text (must fit in icon -- use ',' for line breaks) * If TEXTSRING is missing an interactive text editing window will appear * 7 - set menu parameters * VAL - which parameter (will prompt for text if needed) * 1 - menu display name (appears in taskbar tab) * 2 - menu name * 3 - background color (TEXTSTRING color name or VAL2 RGB value) * 4 - text color (name or rgb value) * 8 - add a row of blank icons below the currently selected row * 9 - delete item(s) * VAL - which item(s) * 0 - delete entire current row * 1 - delete current item text * 2 - delete current item cmd * 4 - delete current item help * 8 - delete current icon image * WARNING - delete is not reversible **See Also:**\\ [[jvs:fscan:manual:chapter3:winkeys:menus|Menus]], [[jvs:fscan:manual:chapter4:taskbar|Taskbar]] [[jvs:fscan|fScan Home]], [[jvs:fscan:manual|fScan Manual]], [[jvs:fscan:manual:chapter3|KeyCmds]], [[jvs:fscan:manual:chapter3:winkeys|WinKeys]], [[jvs:fscan:manual:help|Manual Help]]