**fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (KeyCmds:WinKeys): jump ** ===== Jump -- Jump to different active window ===== **usage: WIN,WSNUM,flag j** WIN can be either a window name or a window number.\\ WIN number 0 means the previous window (for jumping) or most recent window (for hiding). If WSNUM is 1, 2, or missing this changes the active window to the selected window.\\ If WSNUM is 0, this command hides or unhides the selected window. Command syntax:\\ "winname"j jump to named window 0j jump to previous window (in whichever workspace) 0,Nj jump to most recent window in Workspace N (1,2) j jump to next window in current workspace Nj jump to window N (1-?) 0,0,0j hide current window "winname"0,0j hide named window "winname"0,1j unhide named window "subtype"1j jump to dataset with named SUBTYPE (in current workspace) "subtype"1,WSNUM j jump to dataset with named SUBTYPE in workspace WSNUM (1 or 2) **See Also:**\\ [[jvs:fscan|fScan Home]], [[jvs:fscan:manual|fScan Manual]], [[jvs:fscan:manual:chapter3|KeyCmds]], [[jvs:fscan:manual:chapter3:winkeys|WinKeys]], [[jvs:fscan:manual:help|Manual Help]]