====== DTI processing ====== * [[http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fdt/index.html|FSL's Diffusion Toolbox]] * convert the raw DTI data into nifti format * skull strip the DTI * run eddy current correction * run dtifit to calculate FA,eigenvalues,etc * these steps are handled through the [[mirecc:mireccanat:make_dti]] script * run bedpostx on the cluster to estimate crossing fibers * running bedpost requires copying the dtifit results to a temporary directory within the MIRECC.03/Analysis/dti_temp folder and running each slice individually through the cluster. If you do not run the slices individually they are run sequentially, which can take 1 week to finish. * [[mirecc:runBEDPOST_PRE.sh]] -- sets up the bedpostx directory * [[mirecc:submit_CROSS.sh]] -- submits the individual slices through [[mirecc:runBEDPOST_CROSS.sh]] (this does not need to be run) * once all 60+ slices are completed, they need to be combined into one volume and moved back to the individual subject's directory. * navigate to the subject's folder (on Selye) and run: bedpostx_postproc.sh dti * copy the dti.bedpostx folder to the subject's folder on Cohen * now dti can be normalized and dyads can be masked: [[mirecc:post_dti_steps.sh]] * navigate to /data/code and run it as bash -x post_dti_steps.sh SUBJNUM ====== First, FreeSurfer, Manual Comparison ====== * Convert the raw anatomicals into nifti, and flip them from the default orientation into LAS (FSL's preferred orientation) - [[mirecc:mireccanat:makeFirst_anat|script]] * Run the FIRST subcortical segmentation - [[mirecc:mireccanat:first_seg|FIRST Methods]] - [[http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/first/index.html|FSL FIRST Documentation]] * Run FreeSurfer segmentation on the same T1 as FIRST - [[mirecc:mireccanat:free_surfer|FreeSurfer Methods]] - [[https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/MorphAndRecon|FreeSurfer Documentation]] * Calculate Overlap using fslstats - [[mirecc:mireccanat:overlap|Overlap Methods]] ====== flowchart showing steps of getting first/freesurfer volumes into the same space ====== {{:mirecc:mireccanat:mirecc_free_first_chart1.jpg|:mirecc:mireccanat:mirecc_free_first_chart1.jpg}}