CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 6 (RealTime): r_setsweep

r_setsweep -- Prepare a data variable for display using r_sweep

usage: r_setsweep opflg eflag ltime Varb Color Times Flg v0 vysc vy0 I0 Idel Npts ymn ymx t0 wgt
or: r_setsweep opflg eflag ltime 0 Varb Times Flg IParams FParams

R_SETSWEEP is called for each variable to be displayed by subsequent R_SWEEP commands.

Arguments to R_SETSWEEP have the folling meanings:

In the older version of R_SETSWEEP, the fourth argument is VARB and the display parameters are specified explicitly as:

In the newer version of R_SETSWEEP, the fourth argument is 0. The display arguments are then specified using
the IPARAMS array, with values:

and the FPARAMS array, with values:

Note 1: The data value, V0, YSC, and Y0 parameters are converted to vertical display offset as:

y = (VARB - V0) * YSC + Y0 

Note 2: To autoscale the display, R_SETSWEEP should specify YMAX and YMIN explicitly, and set V0, VYSC, and VY0 to 0. Calling R_SWEEP with the AUTOSCALE flag option will adjust V0, VYSC, and VY0 so that typical display values fall within 80% of YMIN-YMAX.

By default, R_SWEEP will display the entire variable with a continuous line. The FLG argument can be used to select alternative display options. Recognized FLAG values are:

1-15 - tick flag (tickflag * 2 - 1 pixels)
(if no tick flag, make continuous curve)
  20o - real-time wait flag: only display portion of varb already filled
  40o - state flag: only horizontal and vertical lines
 100o - YMAX is relative to YMIN
 200o - data varb value is percentage of YMAX-YMIN
 400o - do not allow auto-scaling of this data varb
1000o - change settings (can be used repeatedly after initial call,
        only specified variables will be changed). 
        Note: VARB and TIMES array cannot be changed. 
2000o - change settings are relative (add offsets, multiply scale factors)
4000o - VARB is index number of VARB to change (i.e., VARB=1 means change
        settings for 1st variable called with R_SETSWEEP.

See Also:
CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, RealTime List, Manual Help