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BIAC Cluster

User guides


A "Getting Started" tutorial on setting up access to the cluster and basic job related tasks (submission, status checking and deletion )

Or see infrequent_setup.doc for written instructions

=== Hugin for dummies === …or really smart people who aren't used to this system yet!

                 The BIAC cluster, Hugin, is a Linux base processor put in place to analyze any type of data.  You will work on Hugin though a terminal window by writing commands one
                 line at a time.  In order to set up access to Hugin on your computer, you need to be behind the firewall.  Being at BIAC or on "Diamonds" or "Clubs" puts you
                 behind this firewall.
                           First, you will need X-Win.  On BIAC computers, X-Win comes standard but it can also be downloaded through OIT’s website 
                           here (select “Browse and order software”).
                           You will also need a cluster account. Please send an email to requesting a cluster account.
                           Include your BIAC Windows username in the email (see
Opening Hugin
  • Begin by running X-Win Config under the X-Win tab in your programs
  • Select your cluster profile, aptly named “Hugin,” and hit launch
  • Alternative:
    • Under the X-Win tab in your programs select X-Win32 2012 (or whatever year)
    • The X-Win icon will appear next to the time and date in the bottom right hand corner of your screen
    • Right click it then scroll down to “My Connections”
    • Select your profile by clicking “Hugin”
  • If, prompted, enter your cluster password and hit enter (your cluster password may be different from your BIAC password)
  • Your command line should appear with username@hugin (this is your home directory on the cluster) in a terminal window
  • Now you are “on the cluster,” aka Hugin
the Interactive Node

qinteract is also known as the ‘interactive node,’ because it allows you to interact directly with your data on Munin (or whatever server). It also contains the “packages” (FSL, CMTK, FreeSurfer) that BIAC has installed. You can access the GUI’s for these packages by typing in their appropriate commands once in qinteract.

  • Getting on: log onto Hugin, in the command line (username@hugin: ___) type “qinteract” if prompted, type yes, and then enter your cluster password.
  • Congratulations! You are now on the “interactive node.” Access your study data by typing “cd `findexp Study.01`”
Useful Commands

Command lines ls ls -ltr mkdir cd .. Tab to complete Gedit . nedit

Commenting out

& bash rm Up arrow cp qdel qstatall Blue “directories” are equivalent to folders, “cd”ing is like double clicking Getting files from munin onto hugin, and mounting experiments? Findexp Print from terminal window

Administration guides


For issues and discussions related to the cluster, visit the Cluster Forum

biac/cluster.1339772249.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:41 (external edit)