**ShowPlay Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (ControlVariables): feedbackflag** ===== Feedbackflag -- Provide real-time feedback of subject responses ===== The FEEDBACKFLAG parameter controls some quality control options designed to inform the software operator about the status of subject responses and external trigger pulses expected during a behavioral task paradigm. The meaning of the FEEDBACKFLAG options is described below. During a real-time paradigm the FEEDBACKFLAG is copied to the SEERESPONSES variable, which actually controls the feedback signals. SEERESPONSES may be slightly different than FEEDBACKFLAG (i.e., audio feedback is disabled if the task involves audio stimuli). Additional quality control feedback information can be obtained by using the [[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter3:sweepflag|SWEEPFLAG]] option. FEEDBACKFLAG values (combine by adding): * 1 - Display responses box on screen ([[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter3:resp_xbox|RESP_XBOX]],[[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter3:resp_ybox|RESP_YBOX]],[[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter3:resp_boxsize|RESP_BOXSIZE]]) * 4 - Play audio tone for each response (automatically disabled if the paradigm contains audio stimuli) * 8 - Do not display response percentage accuracy on screen (as "ap= X") when saving data * 16 - Replace user response key with correct/incorrect code * 32 - Do not display summary of user responses at end of run * 64 - Do not warn of external trigger mismatch ([[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter3:trig_flag|TRIG_FLAG]]) at end of run Default: FEEDBACKFLAG = 0. **See Also:**\\ [[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter3:resp_xbox|RESP_XBOX]],[[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter3:resp_ybox|RESP_YBOX]],[[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter3:resp_boxsize|RESP_BOXSIZE]], [[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter3:correctcode|CORRECTCODE]], [[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter3:responsecodes|RESPONSE CODES]], \\ [[jvs:cigal:showplay|ShowPlay Home]], [[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual|ShowPlay Manual]], [[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:chapter3|InputParameters List]]\\ [[jvs:cigal|CIGAL Home]], [[jvs:cigal:manual|CIGAL Manual]], [[jvs:cigal:showplay:manual:help|Manual Help]]