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Pre-Award Procedures

  • SPS Procedures
  • *External Proposals
  • BIAC's routing is set up such that notification of proposals should come to both the grants manager and the business manager. Within 24 hours of receipt, the grants manager should review each proposal for correctness. This includes reviewing that salary is calculated accurately, and that email approval has been obtained for anyone listed as key personnel. If an individual is listed as key personnel, their effort must be checked to ensure that they have available effort, as effort changes > 25% for key personnel require NIH approval. Note that OSC designation does not require PI approval, as no effort is needed.
  • Once the proposal is correct, the grants manager should email the business manager letting them know that the proposal is ready for review. This must be done before 48 hours has elapsed, otherwise the grant will be auto routed, and approval from BIAC will be assumed.
biac/grants.1320248616.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:41 (external edit)