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Control Panel Test Passed

If the response box fails in CIGAL but works in the control panel test, the most likely problem is that the device was not properly initialized in CIGAL. Device initialization is performed at CIGAL start-up by the SYSCONFIG command file, or if that was not found, by the GENERIC_SYSCONFIG command file. These files need to be in CIGAL's system directory (type the CIGAL command “sysdir” to see which is the system directory).

Try running the CIGAL command: “init” and look to see if the gameport device is active. If not, it was probably not initialized. If it is active, try: “list sysconfig” (or if that fails, “list generic_sysconfig”) and look to see if it has an “init gameport” line. If not, try initializing it manually by entering: “init gameport 2 2 2” (meaning device 2, 2 joystick axes, 2 buttons each axis). Then run the IO Test again and see if that helped.

At this point you may need to find help.

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biac/troubleshooting/stimulus_control_system/input_devices/button_box/buttons_not_working/no/both_worked.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by