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Poor image quality

If you are using the older pair of goggles, be sure that the subject's head is straight and the subject is looking straight up. These goggles become dimmer inside the magnet and this dimming is very sensitive to their position in the magnetic field. They need to be positioned as close to horizontally as possible. If dimming is the problem, ask the subject to tilt his/her head back and forth to see if that improves things. If it does, you may need to pull the subject out and adjust padding so that the subject can view the goggles comfortably in the correct position.

If you are using the newer pair of goggles (light gray rubber eyepiece), there should be no change in image quality when placed inside the magnet nor when their orientation is changed.

There are no adjustments for image quality associated with the goggles themselves. If the image is good on the computer monitor but poor inside the goggles try the following (in order):

  1. turn the goggles off and back on (can't hurt)
  2. unplug the AC power to the goggle power supply in the equipment room for a minute and then plug it back in. Turn the goggles back on.
  3. try the other pair of goggles
  4. get help (there is probably something wrong with the goggles)

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biac/troubleshooting/stimulus_control_system/video/goggles/poor_quality.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by