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CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (Functions): matmul

matmul -- multiply vector(s) by a transformation matrix

usage: v2 = matmul(v1,mtx)

The MATMUL function multiplies a vector, or an array of vectors, by a 2D matrix, MTX. The input vectors can have dimensionality (NDIM) of 2 or 3 (e.g. XY or XYZ values). The matrix, MTX, is a square affine transform that has dimensions (NDIM+1) X (NDIM+1). V1 can be a single 2D or 3D vector, an array of vectors stored as a vector list, or a matrix where each row is treated as a vector (e.g. matrix with dimensions 2xN, or 3xN).

Each vector in V1 will be multiplied by the transformation matrix, MTX, to yield an output variable, V2, with the same dimensions as V1.

See Also:
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jvs/cigal/manual/chapter3/matmul.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by