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ShowPlay Reference Manual, Chapter 2 (Running): exampleppf

Exampleppf --

Here is the ppf file (called 'showdemo.ppf' in the CIGAL directory under CIGAL/Demo) that runs when you choose the 'ShowPlay Example' option from the ShowPlay menu:

showplay 0                      ; should be first line -- forces global initializations
npcx = 0
imagefile1 = param_file         ; stim list in this same file
showdir = getfile(param_file,4) ; base directory for stim files is same as this file
sbackcolor = "black"
stextcolor = 'white'
showbits = 16                   ; should be >= 16 if there are color images
saveflag = -1                   ; don't save any output
return                          ; parameter setting block must end with RETURN statement

apple.pcx    0     1        0    1000
tone1.wav    0     0      100    0
wf1.pcx      1   512     1000    600 200 100
tone2.wav    0     0     1000    0
wf2.pcx      2     0     1500    1000 400 200
tone3.wav    0     0     2000    0
"goodbye"    4     0     4000    1000
wf3.pcx      3     1     2000    1000 100 300
tone1.wav    0     0     3700    0                 

(Note: stim don't need to be in order)

This file is a useful starting point for making stimulus files. Anything after a semicolon means it is commented out and not read by the program.

See Also:
CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, ShowPlay Home, ShowPlay Manual, Running List, Manual Help

jvs/cigal/showplay/manual/chapter2/exampleppf.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by