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ShowPlay Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (ControlVariables): backimage

Backimage -- Specify which stimulus image to use as background

An integer indicating which image stimulus should be used as a background image for overwriting the display between other stimuli. A value of 1 means use the first image in the stimulus list, 2 means use the second, etc. Which stimuli get replaced by the BACKIMAGE is controlled by setting a flag (16) in the FLG argument for the desired stimuli. Setting that flag value in GLOBALFLAG would cause all image stimuli with a non-zero duration to be replaced with BACKIMAGE when done.

See Also:
CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, ShowPlay Home, ShowPlay Manual, InputParameters List, Manual Help

jvs/cigal/showplay/manual/chapter3/backimage.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by