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ShowPlay Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (ControlVariables): codenames

Codenames -- Specify output event coding names

The CODEFLAG, CODENAMES, CODETABLE, and CORRECTCODE parameters can be used to interpret the meaning of the user-defined ID values specified on each line of the Stimulus Table.

The CODENAMES table is used to assign labels to different event code values. CODENAMES is a text string table. Different lines of the table can be used to assign different meaning to different ID code digits. If there is only one line in the table it is assumed that the code is not broken up in separate digits.

Each line of the CODETABLE should start with a label that identifies an event category. If multiple consecutive lines have the same label, then multiple digits will be used as the code for that category (see examples). After the label, the rest of the line can specify label=value pairs to assign different text labels to specific condition codes.

For example:

codenames = {
   stimtype fixation=1 cue=2 distractor=3 target=6 
   difficulty low=1 medium=2 high=3
; This would code stimuli along 2 axes using 2-digit stimulus ID codes.
; The first (10's) digit in each ID indicates the stimulus type (fixation, cue, etc.) and
; the second (1's) digit indicates the trial difficulty level.
codenames = {
   stimtype fixation=1 cue=12 distractor=13 target=6 
   difficulty low=1 medium=2 high=3
; This would be the same as the first example, except that the "Stimtype" category is now a 2-digit code.
; The first 2 digits (100's and 10's) are combined to identify the stimtype code, and the 1's digit
; is again used to specify trial difficulty.
codenames = {
   stimtype fixation=1 cue=12 distractor=13 target=6 
; This would code all stimulus events simply by "Stimtype". They can have up to 5 digits.

If either CODENAMES is defined, or the Codeflag parameter has the 1 bit set (i.e. is an odd value), an Events.xml output file will be generated automatically at the end of your Showplay run (unless you use Saveflag to suppress output files).

See Also:
Codeflag, Codetable, Correctcode, Stimulus Table

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