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ShowPlay Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (ControlVariables): dstartmask

Dstartmask -- Digital Trigger Signal

The DSTARTMASK variable is used to specify which bits of a digital signal will be used to trigger the start of a paradigm.

DSTARTMASK is used in conjunction with TRIG_FLAG andTRIGTYPE, which indicate which external signal is to be used for the trigger. If TRIG_FLAG is non-zero, the meaning of DSTARTMASK is controlled by the value of TRIGTYPE as:

TRIGTYPE=1 - DSTARTMASK indicates which digital input bits on DIGIO would trigger
TRIGTYPE=2 - DSTARTMASK is an 8-bit ASCII code would trigger 
             (from keyboard, mouse, or similar) (see ASCII_CODES)
TRIGTYPE=5 - DSTARTMASK indicates which digital input bits on port ATRIG_CHAN would trigger

See Also:
Trig_flag, Trigtype, Atrig_chan, Atrig_val, Digio, ASCII_codes
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