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ShowPlay Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (ControlVariables): response1

Response1-response9 -- Key codes associated with correct responses

If you use the CORRECTCODE parameter to indicate which stimulus ID is used to indicate the correct response for a particular stimulus, you should use the RESPONSE1, RESPONSE2, …, RESPONSE9 variables to store the hardware code value for the actual response button that will be used for correct responses 1-9, respectively. These hardware codes are the ASCII code values associated with every keyboard key (not the character that is written on the key itself). For example, the ASCII code for the '1' key on the keyboard is 49 (not 1). In CIGAL, the hardware codes 1 and 2 are actually associated with the left and right mouse buttons.

If your stimulus list codes correct responses with ID values 1,2,3, and you want to use buttons “1”, “2”, and “3” to correspond to those values, you should set:

correctcode = 1
response1 = 49
response2 = 50
response3 = 51

alternatively you could set the RESPONSE parameters to the character name (in quotes), which will automatically assign the ASCII codes, e.g.:

response1 = "1"
response2 = "2"
response3 = "3"

For flexibility and simplicity, the MAPRESPONSES command can be used to interactively associate response codes with whatever buttons you want to use.

See Also:

CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, ShowPlay Home, ShowPlay Manual, InputParameters List, Manual Help

jvs/cigal/showplay/manual/chapter3/responsecodes.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by