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ShowPlay Reference Manual, Chapter 5 (OutputFiles): printrec

printrec -- Print a pdigm file header or record number

Because dmread only displays the contents of the file in the command window, it is also useful to know how to dump this information into a text file in the current directory for future use. For example, typing:

dmread pdigm6_1001_2_1 > header_1001_2_1.txt

will print the header into a text file with the name 'header_1001_2_1.txt'. Similarly, typing:

dmread pdigm6_1001_2_1 - 23 > paramfile_1001_2_1.txt

will print record# 23 (the '.ppf' file) into a text file with the specified name.

See Also:

CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, ShowPlay Home, ShowPlay Manual, OutputFiles List, Manual Help

jvs/cigal/showplay/manual/chapter5/printrec.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by