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fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 1 (Topics): Tutorial

Step 6: Plots

For more information, see the Plot command.

6.1 Open the functional image bia3_7335_1_6.

6.2 Go to the Stats taskbar.

6.3 Select the “stability plot” icon. This will generate a plot based on the subject's movement in the scanner during the first run. The plot will show fairly stable red activation in the middle line, meaning the subject remained still during this run. The stability plot can come in handy analyzing the activation maps.

6.4 Close the stability plot window.

6.5 Open the “Behavioral plot” icon in the Stats taskbar. A new plot window will open, this time with blue activation on the middle line as well as time points for when each task took place.

6.6 Expand the plot window for a better view. Each horizontal line in the plot has a tab next to it.

6.7 Select the 'a' key on the keyboard. This will highlight a specific line, turning the tab from red to green.

6.8 Select the “a” key again to jump from one tab to another. The up and down arrows will expand or contract that particular line.

6.9 Continue to play with the adjustments of the plots until you feel satisfied with manipulating the image.

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jvs/fscan/manual/chapter1/step_6.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by