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fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 2 (CmdLineOptions:Expr): segment

segment --

usage: -expr segment [value flag] – cluster contiguous non-zero voxels into different ROIs

The SEGMENT command process a 3-D image map looking for voxel values greater than VALUE. Each time it finds such a voxel it uses a variation of the flood function to find all other voxels greater than VALUE contiguous with the first, and assigns all those values a new “cluster” number. Cluster values start at 1, and increase by 1 for each new cluster found.

VALUE: default is 0

0 - default 1 - look for negative voxel values, less than -VALUE

See Also:
Flood, Peak

fScan Home, fScan Manual, CmdLineOptions, Expression Command, Manual Help

jvs/fscan/manual/chapter2/expression/segment.1422647865.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:41 (external edit)