CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (Functions): trace

Trace -- Generate vector list by tracing an image intensity contour

usage: numvecs = trace(mode,v0,dir,spacng,loval,hival)

TRACE follows an intensity contour in an image, generating a list of graphics vectors along its path.

   MODE (octal)
     1     1o   stop at sharp corners or dead ends
     2     2o   store image intensity as vector intensity
     4     4o   for line tracing, draw vectors in center of line
     8    10o   for line tracing, store line width as vector width
    16    20o   trace in bursts with pauses
    32    40o   for closed trace (mode & 1) don't set direction automatically
    64   100o   don't stop when loop is closed
   128   200o   pause at sharp corners or dead ends

For now TRACE returns number of vectors added to VECS list. Perhaps someday should return VLIST pointer?

See Also:

CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, Functions List, Manual Help