CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 6 (RealTime): r_eyepos

r_eyepos -- Get eye-tracker data from communication port

usage: r_eyepos opflg eflag ltime Databuf Flag Timebuf

R_EYEPOS gets real-time eye-position values, typically from an external device via a communication port. Calls to R_EYEPOS will return eye data in the DATABUF variable. Depending on the status of FLAG, it will return either 2 or 4 16-bit data values to DATABUF.

The FLAG parameter specifies options when reading streaming eye position data input. The parameter is an integer bit-flag variable, in which each multiple binary values can be combined by addition. The meaning of the individual flag bits are as follows:

The default value for EYE_FLAG is 519 (octal value 01007o, EYE_XYPOS|EYE_PUPIL|EYE_READ|EYE_NOWAIT).

Note: To record eye-tracker data you must first INITIALIZE the eye-tracker hardware and software connected to a different computer, and then also initialize CIGAL's eye-tracker connection to that computer (see Eye-Tracker).

See Also:

CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, RealTime List, Manual Help