CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 6 (RealTime): r_ifgt

r_ifgt -- Test whether 1 short integer is greater than another

usage: r_ifgt opflg eflag ltime Value1 Value2

R_IFGT is a REALTIME operator. It must be part of an R_IFGT/R_ENDIF or R_IFGT/R_ELSE/R_ENDIF block specification. The operation compares integer VALUE1 to VALUE2. If VALUE1 is greater than VALUE2 the program will execute the operations appearing between this operation and the corresponding R_ELSE or R_ENDIF line, whichever comes first. If the AND result is zero, control will immediately jump to the corresponding R_ELSE or R_ENDIF line, whichever comes first.

See Also:
CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, RealTime List, Manual Help