CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 6 (RealTime): r_point

r_point -- Set the intensity value of a single screen pixel

usage: r_point opflg eflag ltime Point Intens [Scalevec]

The intensity of the screen pixel at position POINT is set to INTENS. POINT is a short integer array of the form { X, Y }.

If SCALEVEC is specified it is assumed to be a short integer array of 6 elements indicating how to scale the Y value before plotting. The contents of SCALEVEC are:

        { yoff0   ymult   ydiv   yoff1   ymin   ymax }

The resulting Y value is:

        Ynew = (Yold - yoff0) * ymult / ydiv + yoff1

and if ymax is greater than ymin, then Ynew is clipped if necessary to stay within those bounds.

See Also:
CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, RealTime List, Manual Help