ShowPlay Reference Manual, Chapter 1 (Introduction): Taskmennu

Organizing a task session in a customized pulldown menu

It can be very helpful to organize your task session into a simple pulldown menu in CIGAL.

CIGAL pulldown menus are simple text files, where each line in the menu is specified as:

 "Menu line
 command line1
 command line2 ...

The “Menu line” starts with a '“'; this is what you will see in the menu.
The Command Lines can be 1 or more CIGAL commands; these will be executed when the item is chosen.
A blank line must be included to separate menu items.
A special menu line can be included to add a spacer bar to the menu; it looks like:

For an example of a task pulldown menu, run CIGAL and type the command:
list sample_taskmenu.txt

To save a copy of the example file in your current folder you can enter:
list sample_taskmenu.txt 0 > taskmenu.txt

Or simply copy the file from the Demo folder in CIGAL's system folder (enter “type sysdir” in CIGAL to find the system folder). Note that the “0” is important if you copy the file using the LIST command above (it prevents a header being added).

Notice that in the example menu, Showplay paradigms are run using 2 “showplay” commands. The first command includes the name of task file; this command loads the task. The second line is just “showplay”; that actually runs the task.

Once you have created a pulldown menu file, you load it in CIGAL using the command:
menu taskmenu.txt

To have the menu appear automatically whenever you run CIGAL, create a startup file named start.txt (or start.imp) in your folder, and put your “menu” command in it.

See Also:
ShowPlay Tutorial, ShowPlay Home, ShowPlay Manual, CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual,