fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 2 (CmdLineOptions): plot

Plot -- Plot data in a graph

usage: -plot yvals xvals color plottype flag y0 yscale [NAME val NAME2 val2 …]

YVALS and XVALS specify what data are to be plotted. If X and Y values are stored together in a single 2-D data set, the first argument can point to that data set by name and the second argument can be omitted (or '-').


   -plot xydatafile red         (if 'xydatafile' contains both X and Y values)
   -plot yfile xfile            (plots data from 2 different files using default color)
   -plot pd8 pd7 blue           (plots linked pdigmfile record type 8 versus record type 7)
   -plot active green           (plots 'active' images in current data window versus time)

See Also:
fScan Home, fScan Manual, CmdLineOptions, Manual Help