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fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 2 (CmdLineOptions): roistats

ROI -- Generate statistics on Regions of Interest


-roi stats

Calulate stats in input data by ROI.

REFIMAGE - dataset to use as ROI mask(s)
FLAG - stats options (select one value 0-7; add other values)

THRESHOLD: THRESH arg is the lowest threshold and stepsize. If OFFROI is non-zero this will generate ROC curves. If IGNOREROI is non-zero, REFIMAGE voxels with that value are ignored. If ONROI is non-zero, only REFIMAGE voxels with that value are included.

SHOWFLAG - Report generation flags


NAME - save stats in file NAME, if specified
MASKVAL: If > 0, only calculate for this mask value
PREFIX: string prepended to each data line in report
PRFXHDR: string prepended to column header lines in report
THRESH: explicit threshold level (default is current image threshold, or if FLAG&010000 default is 0.5)
OFFROI: if FLAG&010000, OFFROI is ROI value indicating true-negative voxels
IGNOREROI: if FLAG&010000, ROI value to ignore when making ROC curves
ONROI: if FLAG&010000, ROI value indicating true-positive voxels for ROC curves
NLVLS: Number threshold levels to calculate separately (default=1, or 10 if FLAG&010000)

Note: If you want a PREFIX without specifying output file NAME you must include a MASKVAL (0 for default) to avoid syntax confusion.

If input is a Surface:

-roi CORRELATE flag ref_roi binsize corr_roi name thresh

Generate new data set (named NAME) containing multiple correlation maps based on correlating the time course for each voxel within the REFROI in the current data set with each voxel in the CORR_ROI. The 2 ROI's can be the same; by default they are the entire data set volume.

FLAG can be used for specifying options:

its 26 neighbors and saves the mean correlation coefficient.

REFROI can be the name of an ROI, or it can be:

one map per ref voxel; the ref voxel in each map will have correl value of 1.0)

Default is 3 if there is a box ROI, otherwise it is 1

BINSIZE is how many voxels in each dimension to bin together for reference (default=1).

CORR_ROI is the ROI to use as a mask for which voxels to test. By default,CORR_ROI is the entire data set. Like REFROI,

CORR_ROI can be the name of an ROI, or it can be:

NAME is the name of the output data set; default adds suffix roicorrel to current data set name.

THRESH is the auto-correlation threshold for counting neighboring voxels as positively correlated (default=0.3)

See Also:
ROIs, Create ROIs, Edit ROIs, Clusters,

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