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biac:analysis:resting_pipeline [2012/05/31 16:15]
admin [Python/FSL Resting State Pipeline]
biac:analysis:resting_pipeline [2023/02/23 18:43]
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-====== Python/FSL Resting State Pipeline ====== 
-This pipeline is a collection of steps that can be used to process a single subject's resting state data from raw into a node based correlation matrix representing connectivity between different regions of the brain. 
-<code> -h</code> 
-Usage: --func /path/to/run4.bxh --steps all --outpath /here/ -p func 
-Program to run through Nan-kuei Chen's resting state analysis pipeline: 
-    steps: 
-    0 - convert data to nii in LAS orientation ( we suggest LAS if you are skipping this step ) 
-    1 - slice time correction 
-    2 - motion correction, then regress out motion parameter 
-    3 - skull stripping 
-    4 - normalize data 
-    5 - regress out WM/CSF 
-    6 - bandpass filter 
-    7 - produce correlation matrix from label file 
-  -h, --help            show this help message and exit 
-  -f /path/to/BXH, --func=/path/to/BXH 
-                        bxh ( or nifti ) file for functional run 
-  --throwaway=4         number of timepoints to dis-regard from beginning of 
-                        run 
-  -p func, --prefix=func 
-                        prefix for all resulting images, defaults to name of 
-                        input 
-  -s 0,1,2,3, --steps=0,1,2,3 
-                        comma seperated string of steps. 'all' will run 
-                        everything, default is all 
-  -o PATH, --outpath=PATH 
-                        location to store output files 
-  --sliceorder=string   sliceorder if slicetime correction ( odd=interleaved 
-                        (1,3,5,2,4,6), up=ascending, down=descending, 
-                        even=interleaved (2,4,6,1,3,5) ).  Default is to read 
-                        this from input image, if available. 
-  --tr=MSEC             TR of functional data in MSEC 
-  --ref=FILE            pointer to FLIRT reference image if not using standard 
-                        brain 
-  --flirtmat=FILE       a pre-defined flirt matrix to apply to your functional 
-                        data. (ie: func2standard.mat) 
-  --refwm=FILE          pointer to WM mask of reference image if not using 
-                        standard brain 
-  --refcsf=FILE         pointer to CSF mask of reference image if not using 
-                        standard brain 
-  --refacpoint=45,63,36 
-                        AC point of reference image if not using standard MNI 
-                        brain                     
-  --betfval=0.5         f value to use while skull stripping. default is 0.5 
-  --lpfreq=0.08         frequency cutoff for lowpass filtering in HZ.  default 
-                        is .08hz 
-  --corrlabel=FILE      pointer to 3D label containing ROIs for the 
-                        correlation search. default is the 116 region AAL 
-                        label file 
-  --corrtext=FILE       pointer to text file containing names/indices for ROIs 
-                        for the correlation search. default is the 116 region 
-                        AAL label txt file 
-  --cleanup             delete files from intermediate steps? 
-===== Step Descriptions ===== 
-==== Step 0 ==== 
-  * this step take the input bxh/nifti and changes the orientation of the data into LAS, then converts the data into niigz. 
-  * LAS is suggested because this is the orientation of the fsl T1 template.  When starting with the correct orientation we've found that there's far less of a chance of flirt messing up down the road in the normalization step 
-  * this step utilizes the BXH tools 
-  * if **--throwaway** is defined, this number of timepoints will be disregarded during this step 
-==== Step 1 ==== 
-  * run fsl's slice time correction ( slicetimer ) 
-  * if starting with a BXH header, you'll likely have the sliceorder field which will be used to create a custom sliceorder file to be used by fsl 
-  * if this isn't present, then you'll need to define **--sliceorder** so that we can generate the file for you 
-    * "odd" is interleaved with odd, then even slice ordering: 1,3,5,2,4,6,etc 
-    * "even" is also interleaved, but when even slice ordering: 2,4,6,1,3,5,etc ... Siemen's data sometimes comes this way when selecting interleaved with an even number of slices 
-    * "up" is ascending data, from the bottom up: 1,2,3,4,5,6 
-    * "down" is descending data, from the top down: 6,5,4,3,2,1 
-==== Step 2 ==== 
-  * motion correct data using fsl's mcflirt 
-  * once mcflirt is completed, the 6 motion parameters ( which will be in a .par file  ) are then regressed out of each individual voxel usings a linear regression 
-==== Step 3 ==== 
-  * the functional run is meaned across time with fslmaths, then bet is applied.  the resulting mask is then applied to the entire run of data 
-  * if you find that bet is doing a poor job finding the edges you can adjust the intensity threshold with **--betfval** 
-    * this is equivalent of **-f** when actually running bet.  the default is 0.5, but smaller values will be more conservative in finding the edges of the brain ( ie: larger mask ) 
-==== Step 4 ==== 
-  * normalize the data using flirt 
-  * if no options are specified, then the default is the standard MNI152_T1_2mm_brain used in feat 
-  * if you have a specific template, you can define it with **--ref** (ie: a kid brain, or study specific template) 
-  * if your subject has already been normalized during standard pre-processing of other runs, please provide the flirt matrix from pre-stats with **--flirtmat** ( most likely example_func2standard.mat) 
-    * this will apply the previously determined flirt matrix to your functional data instead of trying to calculate a new matrix based on the functionals.  the matrix from pre-stats was likely calculated using a high-resolution anatomical, also this will assure that your resting state runs are in the same space as the other runs from your subject. 
-==== Step 5 ====  
-  * this step will take the white matter and csf masks generated by FAST and regress out the signal from the functional data using the same method as the motion paramters. 
-  * if you've provided your own reference image for normalization, then you need to provide a white-matter and csf mask ( **--refwm --refcsf** ) 
-    * this can be create with "fast -g INPUT.nii.gz": pve_2 is the white matter, pve_0 is csf 
-  * if no options are defined, then the MNI152 masks will be used 
-==== Step 6 ====  
-  * this step will low-pass filter data to remove high-frequency noise using custom python code 
-  * the default is 0.08 HZ 
-  * if you'd like to chose a different frequency, please use ** --lpfreq ** 
-==== Step 7 ====  
-  * if defaults are used, then the aal_MNI_V4 label file is used to extract the average timeseries for each of the 116 regions 
-  * cross correlation coefficients are found for the entire matrix of 116x116 regions 
-  * this step produces 4 files: 
-    * "subject.graphml" : graphml format with regions timecourse, zr_vals, r_vals 
-    * "corrlabel_ts.txt": extracted time series for each region 
-    * "r_matrix.nii.gz": the correlation coefficients 
-    * "zr_matrix.nii.gz": normalized correlation coefficients 
-    * "mask_matrix.nii.gz": an inclusion mask for everything below the intersect of the regions, which can be used at a higher level 
-  * since they are saved as nifti, then can be loaded into fslview. 
-  * if the default labels are used, then you can load a custom atlas ( "AAL116 Correlation Atlas" ) into fslview which will allow you to see which regions each "voxel" represents 
-    * this is loaded through the Atlas Toolbar, the atlas is installed on the cluster, but it can be provided with instructions to install elsewhere. 
-  * if you want to provide your own label file, the ** --corrlabel ** option can be used.   
-    * The input to this step would be a 3D image of ROIs the same size as your normalized data.   
-    * Each individual ROI needs to have a unique intensity value for the timecourse extraction ( ie: 5 ROIs with intergers as values from 1-5 ).   
-    * This would be the standard type of thing saved from the pickatlas 
-    * Also provide a label text ** --corrtext ** file with your labels intensity value and label name in tab delimited format 
-    * If your space is **different** from mni please provide the anterior commissure point **--refacpoint** for centroid/XYZ conversion 
-    * The correlation matrix would then be NumRois X NumRois and point 1,4 would be the corrcoef or zscore of the ROI with values 2 and 5 ( these are indexed starting at zero ) 
-* that is the zr_values from the subject.graphml displayed in matplotlib.  the cursor shows the intersecting region at the bottom, and if you click, time courses are displayed.  we're working on a release (cp - 3/30/12) 
-For a beta version of the viewer: 
-/usr/local/packages/biacpython/bin/ --help 
-Usage: --graphml /path/to/subject.graphml --stat zrvalue 
-Program to display graphml output from resting_pipeline 
- --stat is the statistic to view ( zrvalue, rvalue ) 
- --notimecourse is a flag to skip the timecourse display when clicking 
-  -h, --help            show this help message and exit 
-  -g /path/to/subject.graphml, --graphml=/path/to/subject.graphml 
-                        full path to graphml file to display 
-  -s zrvalue, --stat=zrvalue 
-                        statistic type to display ( zrvalue or rvalue ). 
-                        default zr 
-  --notimecourse        do not display the seperate timecourse figures 
-===== Things to consider ===== 
-  * this was designed to be modular, so that you only need to run the steps you need 
-  * if you've already pre-processed your data, then you may only need steps 5,6,7 ... please provide the ** --steps ** flag as needed. 
-    * the default is "all" 
-  * If you just want to run a different label file, then you may only need step 7 
-  * If you have physiological data, it should be removed from the functional data **prior** to running the pipeline 
-    * [[biac:analysis:physiological| A few physiological correction methods]] 
-  * this is installed on the cluster, but can also be run on a personal linux machine, or mac 
-    * nonstandard python dependencies: numpy, nibabel 
-    * FSL  
-    * bxh/xcede tools for step0 
-===== Group Analysis Suggestions ===== 
-One method group analysis could be done using Monte-Carlo permutation testing with [[| FSL's randomise ]]. 
-  * please don't add any clustering/smoothing/etc ... that would not make any sense in this context since 1 individual voxel represents one connection, you would not want to smooth across any of those 
-To do this, you would combine all of your subjects's results into one 3D file with fslmerge ( 116 x 116 x NumSubjs ): 
->> fslmerge -t group_zr subj1/zr_matrix.nii.gz subj2/zr_matrix.nii.gz subj3/zr_matrix.nii.gz subjN/zr_matrix.nii.gz 
-For a single group result, the input to randomise is simply: 
->> randomise -i group_zr -o group_res -1 -x -m mask_matrix 
-  * -i input, -o output prefix, -1 represents a 1-tailed t-test, -x will output corrected ( _corrp_ ) and uncorrected ( _p_ ) pvals,  
-  * -m points to one of the inclusion masks produced for your matrix ( this assures the connections aren't being used twice ) 
-Your results will be the same correlation matrix size, but now will represent corrected p-values of the connectivity. 
-To do something more complicated ( group differences, other regressions ), please create a design matrix and contrasts file using FSL's Glm gui. 
-  * this will look identical to creating a 3rd-level design matrix through the feat gui. 
-  * the same same types of things done through feat can be done here ... [[|Feat Higher Level GLMs]] 
-  * Below is a snapshot of a simple 2-group model designed with the Glm wizard. 
-Now, within randomise you need to input the .mat and .con files instead of "-1" to produce your contrasts. 
->> randomise -i group_zr -o group_res -d 2group.mat -t 2group.con -x -m mask_matrix 
-The results will be in the same format described above, except there will be more contrasts labeled as "tstat#" 
-  * tstat1 represent contrast 1 as defined in your GLM, tstat2 contrast 2, etc 
-If using the cluster, you can turn on "fsl_sub" with **export FSLSUBMIT=1**, then use randomise_parallel, which will run all the permutations simultaneously. 
-Here's an example of the matrix with the matrix_mask, including this would only analyze things inside the yellow triangle: 
-===== Going Further ===== 
-<code bash> --help 
-<code bash> 
-Usage: -s stats.nii.gz -p prefix 
-Program to convert the 2D correlation matrix to a graphml file which can be used with graph-theory packages. 
-    --type is the statistics type ( ie: pvalue, rvalue, zrvalue ) 
-    --labels and --text default to aal116 if no input is provided ( ie: aal116, raichle36 or full paths ) 
-    --AC point defaults to 45,63,36 if undefined ( assuming MNI152_T1_2mm_brain ) 
-    --thresh is the threshold to use for extracting edges. default is 0. ( ie: .99 for p > .01 ) 
-    --above is to specify that your stats are above the diagonal instead of below ( below is the default ) 
-  -h, --help            show this help message and exit 
-  -s FILE, --stats=FILE 
-                        input correlation matrix 
-  --type=STRING         type of statistics of input matrix 
-  --thresh=STRING       threshold for edge extraction 
-  -l FILE, --labels=FILE 
-                        label file used to produce the correlation matrix 
-  -t FILE, --text=FILE  delimited text file associated with correlation labels 
-                        ( contains region index and names ) 
-  --ac=STRING           anterior commissure point for coordinate conversion 
-  -p STRING, --prefix=STRING 
-                        prefix to name your output graphml 
-  --above               option to specify if your stats are above the diagonal of the connectome instead of below 
-                           ( below is the default ) 
-  * Convert the 3rd-Level connectome results into a graphml ( xml based definition for graphs ) file to be used with graph-theory based analyses/graphing methods 
-  * We have written some code to perform some simple graphing methods using [[|Networkx]] 
-  * The following functions will be based on the graphml created with the function 
-=== 2D Graph-Theory Representation === 
-<code bash> --help 
-<code bash> 
-Usage: --graphml /path/to/connectome.graphml --edgeval pvalue --thresh 0.9998 
-Generates a graphy-theroy 2D graph with nodes/edges above a certain threshold. 
-    Communities are colored by a Louvian algorithm. 
-    Clicking a specific node with produce another graph containing only nodes that are directly connected to the area selected. 
-    EDGEVAL is the label for the statistic from the .graphml file created above 
-  -h, --help            show this help message and exit 
-  -g /path/to/graphml, --graphml=/path/to/graphml 
-                        graphml file containing connectome information 
-  -t 0.9998, --thresh=0.9998 
-                        threshold to use for displaying significant connection 
-  -e pvalue, --edgeval=pvalue 
-                        the statistic that is represented by the connections 
-                        in the graphml 
-  * This function takes your graphml input: 
-    * thresholds out the "edges" ( connections between regions ) 
-    * calculates their "community" based on a Louvian detectuin algorithm ( [[]] ) 
-    * plots the graph in 2D brain space ( the z-dimension is thrown out ) 
-    * Node ( ROI ) color represent community, Node size represents "degree" ( how many edges are connected to each node ) 
-    * If you click a node of interest, a new ego_graph will be shown ( all nodes with a direct connection to your ROI ) 
-<code bash> -g myconnectome_all.graphml --thresh 0.99 -e pvalue 
-{{:biac:analysis:2d_functionalconnectome.png?400x442|}} {{:biac:analysis:2d_zoomed.png?400x382|}} 
-Still under-development 
-3D VTK: 
biac/analysis/resting_pipeline.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/23 18:43 (external edit)